Campus & Buildings

Creating & Installing Art

Two local artists, Wendy Copp and Susan Raber Bray, have begun work on an art installation that will be part of the Of Land and Local Art Exhibition at the Coach Barn, October 1-18.  

As a first step in their process, they are gathering natural material like grape vines, cattails, fallen twigs and small branches. For the next step -- the creative one, they use primitive weaving techniques and various styles of wrapping and binding to create natural-looking objects that people might not notice at first. If you use your eyes however, you'll discover magic in this already magical landscape.  Wendy and Susan have already created one installation along the walking trail. Perhaps the photos here will give you a clue as to its whereabouts -- or you'll have to come search for it in person.  

Of Land and Local is an ongoing partnership with Burlington City Arts. The exhibition seeks to initiate a dialog about issues surrounding art and the environment that relates to the Vermont landscape.   

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