Coach Barn

Please contact Director of Community Programs Tre McCarney at tmccarney@shelburnefarms.orgwith any questions.

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Fire Cider Preparation

Adult Programs
A glass jar filled with fire cider ingredients.

Using ingredients grown here on Shelburne Farms we will prepare Fire Cider, a vinegar infusion of herbs and vegetables, while learning about the many herbs that can help keep us healthy through the winter months. All participants will bring home their preparation. 

Spoonful Herbals is the collaborative effort of community herbalists and educators Katherine Elmer and Kara Buchanan. Spoonful offers an annual Herbal CSA, which includes three seasonal herbal self-care packages with convenient share pickup at Railyard Apothecary. Spoonful also runs a six-month Community Herbalism Apprenticeship program where students learn how to identify, harvest, and create remedies from native and locally-grown medicinal herbs. Spoonful’s Herb Mob program engages volunteers to bring locally harvested (gleaned) medicinal plants into our apothecary from local organic farms and green spaces such as Shelburne Farms.

Read more about Fire Cider