Julie's primary role as Curator of Collections is to be the keeper of the evolving story of Shelburne Farms. To this end, she manages three-dimensional and archival collections, historic photographs, and estate and nonprofit records, and oversees the care and conservation of original furnishings. For Julie, discovering, sharing and educating through interpretation of the evolving history of the property and its collections is always rewarding.
Julie grew up in Baltimore City, MD, where her curiosity about how people live drew her to empty, derelict buildings and to culturally significant historic sites with equal enthusiasm. After receiving a BA in humanities at Washington College, she worked with collections in museums across the country, from the Honolulu Museum of Art to New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. Julie went on to earn an MA in the History of Design and Curatorial Studies from Cooper-Hewitt and completed her thesis on The Evolution of Electra Havemeyer Webb’s Country Estate: The Brick House 1913–1947.