Campus & Buildings
Food & Farming

New Roof on Hoop Barn

Posted by Holly Brough
Director of Communications

The dairy hoop barn got a new roof in late September. The old roof was the original one for the barn, which was built in 1999. Since the life-span of these types of covers is typically 15-20 years, a new roof was due. Greg Lussier Barn Builders in Craftsbury took a day to do the work.  First they unfastened the old roof, then winched it off -- up and over the metal frame. Then they winched the new roof on in the same way, and then refastened everything. They also replaced the netting at either end of the barn. We hope to repurpose the old roofing material as covering for wood chips, wood piles, etc. on our campus.

The hoop barn houses our 110-120 Brown Swiss cows primarily in the winter, or briefly before milkings. The well-ventilated space makes for comfortable quarters at any time of year. (During this summer's drought, it became more permanent quarters.)

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