As coordinating organization for the Farm-Based Education Network (FBEN), the Farm is sharing the diversity and equity work of a founding member, The Food Project.
A local diver searches below the surface of Lake Champlain for the Farm's original water intake structure, dating to the late 1800s.
You can support distance learning around the UN Sustainable Development Goals with this new project-based resource for learners and educators.
Alice Cusick reflects back on how her experience at the Farm has shaped her as as a professional and as a person.
Because we see them at farmers’ markets, most of us know garlic scapes shouldn't be relegated to the compost pile. But what most of us don’t know is how to use them in the kitchen.
Teachers from our 2019-2020 Climate Resiliency Fellowship offer their thoughts on teaching about climate change – and teaching in general – through COVID-19.
Lynn Wolfe, Shelburne Farms Assistant Market Gardener, was awarded UVM's 2020 James W. Marvin Award in Conservation & Science for her work in maple sugaring education.
The Farm's long-term effort to provide for embattled little brown bats (but keep them out of the Inn!) is bearing fruit — and bats!
With the sun shining for a long stretch in late May, we had great hot, dry weather for the season’s first haying.