For Educators

Sustainability and Racism - Resources for You

At this profound and pivotal moment in our country, as so many of us struggle to interpret events, show solidarity with those who endure systemic racism, educate ourselves, and simply to try to "do better," here are a few resources that our staff have found helpful in their own work, both personally and professionally.

There are many incredible resources available out there for teachers, parents, and individuals. We urge you to seek them out, beyond what we offer here. Only together, with great care, honesty, vulnerability, and action, can we begin dismantling long-standing systems that silence, oppress, and destroy people and communities of color.  It is absolutely necessary work in order to create a sustainable and just future for all.

Aimee Arandia Østensen

Professional Learning Facilitator.  There are three sites and several books that I go to over and over again (in crisis or not):

Courtney Mulcahy

School Programs Coordinator.   As a white educator, it's my responsibility to continue educating myself on issues of racial equity and social justice. I like to use different mediums to broaden my understanding and consider how bias and racism shows up in my work and life, and what I can do about it. (See Courtney's blog Diversity, equity, and inclusion: A personal and professional journey)

Vera Simon-Nobes

Coordinator, Farm-Based Education Network / Vermont Farms Agritourism Project.  Resources on decolonizing learning in traditional classrooms are equally relevant — and important — in the field, forest, and garden "classrooms" of farm-based educators.  As farm-based educators identify and work to dismantle oppressive systems on their farms and in their communities, I'm excited about these tools and anti-racist kids' literature that can support them:

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