For Educators

Who’s Outside? How to Build An Anti-Racist Bookshelf: Webinar Recording

We strive for a vision in which all children have meaningful connections to the natural world, but what does our book collection say about who is part of this vision and in what role? How do justice and equity show up (or not) on our classroom bookshelves? Explore the intentional and unintentional messages about representation, stereotypes, and belonging that our bookshelves communicate.

Who’s Outside? How to Build An Anti-Racist Bookshelf is an interactive online workshop for educators we offered in January 2021that we offered it in collaboration with UVM Tarrant Institute. The virtual workshop was co-facilitated by educators Jeanie Phillips, UVM Tarrant Institute’s resident librarian, and Shelburne Farms Professional Learning Facilitator Aimee Arandia Østensen.

Below you’ll find a recording of the workshop, optimized for solo or team playback. The workshop contains a number of prompts for reflection. We encourage you to listen to these materials as a solo practitioner, or with your teaching team.

Find the slides from the workshop here. We encourage you to share these slides with your collaborators.

All materials are released under Creative Commons license 4.0: available for non-commercial use and remix, with attribution. Blog originally published by Innovative Education in VT.

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