As a researcher at Rich Earth Institute in Brattleboro, I invited Marshall to serve as an advisor for a USDA funded grant project under their "novel approaches in sustainable agriculture" program which involved using biochar and human urine for farm applications. He accepted right away and offered his insights and suggestions, answering many questions for me as we worked on that grant application. We got that grant, and then I asked him for a letter of support for another even more "novel" grant application. Again he responded at once with a letter exuberantly explaining why this type of research is important. Although I hadn't met him in person, I appreciated his enthusiasm, warmth, support, and attitude of curiosity and openness to new ideas. His death is such a loss to so many, as I am learning today by reading all these comments. We at Rich Earth are grateful for the brief interaction we had, and will surely carry his inspiration with us going forward.