Hello Marshall,
It has been over a month since you began your heavenly journey. During that time I have been reading the glowing words of true respect, admiration, appreciation and affection of all the people who shared and were touched by you on your earthly journey. What else is there to say?
Yes, you were a dreamer, a thinker, a visionary and a man of action.
During our short journey together I was touched by how you bathed all those mindful qualities with your wisdom, your light, your love from within. You were the wise man who opened your heart and reached in and brought out a handful of light and placed it my heart and everyone you met. Infinite and unconditional.
Your light, your love is the magic that you added to help create the institution, the organization, the living organism that is "Shelburne Farms".
I am truly grateful to have shared our brief journey. I am most grateful for your gift to us all of "The Farms" which will live in our hearts, our community, Vermont forever.
See you later Marshall, maybe on the trails or skipping rocks on the beach.
All my love, Jim